The Animal Control Department handles reports regarding domestic animals, reptiles, and livestock in response to complaints. While pet registration is not mandatory in the city, White Oak imposes a limit on pets per household, allowing up to six dogs or cats, or a combination thereof.
The Animal Control Department handles reports regarding domestic animals, reptiles, and livestock in response to complaints. While pet registration is not mandatory in the city, White Oak imposes a limit on pets per household, allowing up to six dogs or cats, or a combination thereof.
The Animal Control Officer (ACO) is responsible for impounding animals that are stray, quarantining animals which have bitten humans, and disposing of dead animals.
All animal complaints are reported through the police department at (903) 759-0106. The ACO works from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For after hour complaints, an officer on duty will respond.
The ACO uses reasonable effort to return pets to their owners whenever possible. At the end of each work day, the ACO transports all impounded animals to the Longview Animal Care & Adoption Center, 303 H.G. Mosley Pkwy in Longview. Before a pet can be retrieved from the shelter, the pet owner is required to pay a $25 impound fee at White Oak City Hall. The shelter will ask to see the receipt as proof of payment before releasing a pet. The shelter's fees must also be paid before pet retrieval. If a pet has not been transported to the shelter, an owner may pay the city's impound fee at City Hall and retrieve their pet at the holding pen at the Park Department's maintenance barn by the high school baseball field. Retrieving a pet within the city is optimal for both the pet owner and the city because the owner does not have to travel to Longview and it decreases the annual contract price for the amount of animals taken to the shelter.
Vicious Animals
If an animal is deemed vicious, the ACO supervisor is allowed to order the animal's removal from White Oak city limits. The owner is allowed to appeal this order in writing within ten (10) days. An appeal committee will then be formed to consider the appeal, but final authority sits with the White Oak City Council. If an animal is found vicious and ordered to be removed from the city limits and the owner disobeys the order, the animal is subject to impound and/or destruction.
Prohibited Animals
It is unlawful to keep any wild animal inside the city. If you find an injured or orphaned bird or animal that is not domestic, contact the Texas Department of Parks & Wildlife at (512) 389-4505.
Per White Oak Code of Ordinances ยง10-40, it is unlawful to keep, harbor, or raise hogs or swine within the boundaries of the city.
Citizens are allowed to own and house chickens and birds, including roosters. All poultry and birds must remain enclosed and not run at large. All enclosed structures housing poultry and/or birds must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any occupied building or dwelling within the city.
For the complete Animal Ordinance, please see the White Oak Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10; Animal
Please help control the dog and cat populations by having your pet spayed or neutered. Make an appointment with your personal veterinarian or as an alternative, the Animal Protection League in Longview and the SPCA of East Texas in Tyler offer low-cost spay and neuter programs.
Please help control the dog and cat populations by having your pet spayed or neutered. Make an appointment with your personal veterinarian or as an alternative, the Animal Protection League in Longview and the SPCA of East Texas in Tyler offer low-cost spay and neuter programs.