Payment Due Date
Utility bills are due on the 10th day of every month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is extended until the next regular business day. Accounts with a past due balance after the 10th of the month are subject to a 10% late penalty.
Disconnections for Non-Payment
Disconnections for non-payment is performed as soon as practical on or after the 20th of each month. If you are disconnected for non-payment, it is illegal to turn the water meter back on yourself and there is a $225 water meter tampering fee for doing so. In order to re-establish water service, the customer must pay a $50 reconnect fee. Payments must be in the office no later than 7:30 a.m. the morning of cutoff in order to avoid service interruption. Payments deposited after 7:30 a.m. will be posted the next business day.
Payment Options
Your utility bill will include a return envelope, which you may use to mail your payment to the Utility Billing office. Please do not staple your check to the provided remittance stub or mail cash.
In-person or phone
Walk-in payments may be made in person at the Utility Billing office. The office is able to take payments in cash, check, money orders, Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards. You may also call city call to make payments over the phone at (903) 759-3936. The Payment Group charges 3.5% with a minimum of $0.95 for credit/debit card payments. The city does not receive any portion of this fee.
Night drop box
There is a night drop box located on the north side of City Hall's parking lot for your convenience. For your payment to be posted on the same day, it must be in the drop box before 7:30 a.m. Please do not leave a cash payment in the night drop box.
Online bill payment service
The City's online bill payment service is a safe and secure way to pay your utility bill from your computer or mobile device. You will need to register with the system and know your utility account number and the amount of your last payment in order to set up your account. The Payment Group charges 3.5% per payment with a minimum of $0.95 for their service. The City does not receive any portion of this fee. Other advantages to setting up your account online are the capabilities of viewing the account's transaction and consumption history.
Automatic bank draft
Automatic bank drafting of your utility bill is available from a checking or savings account. If you would like to take advantage of this option for payment of your utility bill, please complete and return the Bank Draft Authorization Form to the Utility Billing office.