Planning & Zoning Board
The Planning and Zoning Board is an advisory body and adjunct to the City Council, and can make recommendations regarding amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and changes in zoning. The White Oak Planning and Zoning Board also has the authority to approve final subdivision plats. The Board meets on an as needed basis.
Zoning Board of Adjustments
The Zoning Board of Adjustments was created to make special exceptions to the terms of the Zoning Ordinance that are consistent with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. The Board of Adjustments is made up of five (5) City Council appointed members and two (2) alternate members, who shall act and serve as members of the Board when a regular member is absent. Meetings are only called when needed and must have four (4) members present for a quorum.
The Board of Adjustments is allowed to:
- Reverse an order, requirement, decision or determination of an administrative official
- Decide in favor of an application on a matter on which the Board is required to review under the Zoning Ordinance
- Authorize a variance from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance
- Grant special exceptions, as permitted in the Zoning Ordinance under §10.6; Variances.
Economic Development Board
The White Oak Economic Development Corporation (WOEDC) was developed in 1995 when the citizens voted to approve a ½ cent sales tax to boost the economic development effort in the community. The City Coordinator (Manager) performs the role of Executive Director and organizes all economic development activities. Over the past several years White Oak EDC has continued its efforts in maintaining the quality of life in White Oak as well as increasing the tax base. White Oak EDC has been involved in many relocation projects, business retention projects, and development projects. The Board is made of seven (7) volunteer Board of Directors.
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