Tax Information
Property Tax
Tax Rates
The property tax rate in White Oak is $0.64241 on each $100 of assessed valuation of all taxable property, real, personal, or mixed, located in the City of White Oak on the first day of January, and not exempted from taxation by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas. For the maintenance and support of general government (General Fund), $0.54459 on each $100 valuation of property; and for the interest and sinking fund, $0.09782 on each $100 valuation of property.
Value Assessment
Property values are established by the Gregg County Appraisal District (GCAD). Please visit the GCAD website for more information. The City of White Oak assesses the Town’s ad valorem (property) tax under the rules set by the Texas State Property Board. It is the function of the Gregg County Appraisal District to appraise all Gregg County property at market value. These values are then given to the respective taxing units for tax assessing.
Taxes Due
The City of White Oak annually sets the tax rate based on the city’s budgetary requirements and the taxable values established by the appraisal district. Property taxes are due October of each year and considered late February 1 of the following year.
The Gregg County Tax Office bills and collects the property taxes assessed by the City in conjunction with school property taxes. For information regarding payment options, please visit the Gregg County Tax Assessor website.
Sales Tax
The City of White Oak's sales tax rate is 8.25%, which is shared between the State of Texas, Gregg County, and the White Oak Economic Development Corporation (WOEDCO). The breakout is as follows:
- State of Texas - 6.25%
- Gregg County - 0.50%
- City -1.00%
- WOEDCO - 0.50%
For a historical view of the City of White Oak's sales tax payment details, you may visit Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - Allocation Payment Detail. The net payment amount is deposited into the City's main operating account then one-third of this amount is issued to WOEDCO for economic development expenses.