Any individual, company, corporation, or entity who wishes to obtain bulk water by means of a fire hydrant must first complete an application for a temporary water meter, which can be obtained from the utility billing department located at city hall or online.
Prior to making connection for water retrieval, the application must be submitted to the utility billing department accompanied by a $500 meter deposit and a non-refundable $150 set/pull fee.
The water obtained from the temporary fire hydrant meter shall be paid for at the rate established for the inside city limit monthly water rate tier of the current water service consumption charge set forth in Section 82-46(b) of the White Oak city code.
Any person desiring to connect to a fire hydrant for the purpose of purchasing water shall be required to furnish an RPZ Backflow Device meeting the minimum specifications of the city plumbing inspector before that person will be allowed to make a connection to any such fire hydrant of the city.